Abortion near Queens, New York is Legal

Surgical Abortion near Queens, NY
- All Board-Certified Providers
- Strictly Confidential
- To schedule an appointment, please be sure to have your insurance information available. We will need this information to verify benefits before your appointment.
- When you schedule your appointment, our friendly staff will provide all the instructions and directions to the office.
Your Surgical Abortion Appointment near Queens, NY
Upon arrival at the office, you will be asked to complete some medical forms. Next you will have an ultrasound to determine how long you have been pregnant. A female member of the staff will meet with you privately to discuss the procedure and answer any questions. This session is private, not in a group, which allows you the privacy you deserve. We will also perform basic lab tests to determine the Rh factor of your blood type and check your blood count.
Next, you will meet the anesthetist in the procedure room. All of our procedures are done under general anesthesia using IV medications. We do not use any masks or inhalation anesthesia. The sonographer will also be in the procedure room because all of our procedures are done under ultrasound guidance. This is a tremendous safety factor greatly reducing the possibility of surgical complications.
The actual procedure takes between 5 and 15 minutes. When the doctor finishes the procedure, a post-op sonogram will be performed to confirm the procedure is complete. You will then be transferred to our PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) where your oxygen saturation, pulse and blood pressure are monitored. To ensure your safety, the PACU is supervised by a Physician Assistant trained in Advanced Cardiac Life Support. From there, you will go to our recovery room to rest for 45 minutes to an hour. Our recovery room is staffed by medical personnel experienced in monitoring your recuperation. Before leaving you will be seen by a physician, receive written instructions, and your 2 week follow-up appointment will be scheduled.
Surgical Abortion Aftercare in Queens, NY
Most women are able to return to daily activities the following day. Avoid strenuous activity for a few days to prevent unnecessary pain or bleeding. Most women do experience some spotting or bleeding that may last only a few days or as long as 2 weeks. To prevent infection, we advise not to put anything in the vagina (tampons, intercourse, douching) until your follow-up appointment. Your procedure is not considered complete until you have returned to us for your follow-up exam at which time a sonogram will be performed to assure that your body is healing well. Once that is complete, you are urged to return to your referring physician or remain with All Women’s Care for family planning and your continuing gynecologic care. Our 24 hour answering service for emergency calls is handled by our physician.
Surgical Abortion Cost in Queens, NY
We believe that abortion care should be reasonable and affordable.
Our cash price up to 12 weeks gestation is $600 which includes anesthesia, lab fees and pathology.
Rhogam, a medication usually necessary if you have a negative blood type, is an additional $50.
We accept cash and credit cards; no checks.
We participate in most insurance plans including Medicaid Managed Care. When making your appointment you must provide us with your insurance ID and other information so that we may verify your eligibility and benefits prior to your procedure.
Second trimester procedures are priced according to gestational age and the patient’s medical history. We prefer to discuss this with each woman individually to ensure the safest procedure possible.
All Women's Care - Long Island, New York in Nassau County
Well-Woman Care & Abortion in New York
Free Pregnancy Test, STD Screening, GYN Exams, Birth Control, Ultrasound, Morning After Pill (Plan-B), Sonograms, Non-surgical Abortion Pill (RU-486, Mifeprex, Mifepristone)
444 Community Drive
Suite LL 3
Manhasset, NY 11030
Phone 516-365-1600
Fax 516-365-2181
By Appointment Only
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